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FKI has distribution partners across the world that are ready to help you get your business automated. Contact one of our distributors to find out how a FKI solution can benefit your business.
List of distributors in Middel East

M/S : Far East Technical Consultations (FETCO)

30, Mostafa Hamam St., First District, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Mr. Magdy El Karimy

Mr. Tarek Badawy

TEL : +20-2-22627292
FAX : +20-2-22627255
Mail :

M/S : Paydar Plastic Company 

No.18 Alley 18 Boostan Boulevard, Shams Abdd Industrial Zone, In Front of Imam Khomeini Airport, Tehran, Iran

Mr. Mohammad Hashemi 

TEL : +98-21-55897985

FAX : +98-21-55606430

Mail :

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